Self-Care: A Guide

Written by Ashlie Dhugga

It is so easy to get caught up in the complexities of life - so easy, in fact, that we forget to take care of ourselves amid the chaos. We become so fixated on our to-do lists that self-care becomes an afterthought. 

Why is self-care important?

In actuality, studies have shown that all individuals should set aside a specific amount of time to indulge in self-care activities. From a mental health perspective, self-care has been clinically proven to reduce anxiety and depression, improve concentration, minimize frustration and anger, increase happiness, and improve energy (Glowiak). From a physical health perspective, self-care has been clinically proven to reduce the impact of certain conditions such as heart disease (Ibid). 

Now that it has been established that self-care activities are extremely beneficial, let us explore some ways in which self-care can be implemented in our everyday lives. A good starting point to understand self-care is to explore a variety of self-care activities to determine which ones are the most relevant to you. To make this guide easy to navigate, the potential activities will be divided into six categories of self-care: emotional, physical, mental, social, spiritual, and practical (​​Glowiak). 

Emotional Self-Care

Emotional self-care activities are those which allow us to connect to emotions and process them in a healthy way (Ibid). These activities can help you address your emotional needs that may be neglected throughout a busy day. Below are some examples of emotional self-care activities:

  1. Meditation

In simple terms, meditation refers to certain techniques that allow for a heightened state of consciousness and awareness (Cherry). To find which meditation techniques may work for you, there are a variety of online guides which can help you choose. Here is a good YouTube channel for beginners looking to get into meditation:

  1. Journaling

One way for an individual to get in touch with their emotions is to write them down. Whether it be writing them down on a physical journal or a smart tablet, there are a variety of creative and practical ways to journal.

Physical Self-Care

Physical self-care activities are those which allow us to enhance our physical well-being. These physical activities perpetuate both a healthy body and healthy mind and are also not exclusive to exercise (although exercise can be a part of it). Below are some examples of physical self-care activities:

  1. Physical exercise

Any activity in which you are moving your physical body to perpetuate healthy habits: walking, jogging, riding a bike, swimming, sports, fitness classes, etc., are all examples of self-care activities related to physical exercise. 

  1. Taking a relaxing bath

When an individual takes a relaxing bath, they are taking care of the cleanliness of their physical body while their mind has time to be still and calm. 

  1. Taking a nap

Some/You may be surprised to hear that taking a nap is also a form of physical self-care. Many individuals, from students to working adults, may be sleep deprived, which adversely affects their bodies. It is important to get an adequate amount of sleep; thus, a nap is extremely beneficial to the physical body. 

Mental Self-Care

Mental self-care activities are those which allow us to stimulate our mind, assisting us in developing healthy thoughts. Below are some examples of mental self-care activities:

  1. Reading a book

Reading a book of interest stimulates the mind in a unique way. It allows individuals to visualize what they are reading, and it helps our minds to compartmentalize different aspects of life. 

  1. Listening to a podcast

Podcasts are another accessible means of stimulating the mind. Podcasts of a large range of topics can be found on major platforms such as YouTube, Spotify, and Apple Podcasts. 

Social Self-Care

Social self-care activities are those which allow us to nurture our relationships with others. Humans are inherently social beings; interacting with others is highly instrumental for all of those involved. Below are some examples of social self-care activities:

  1. Hosting a game night with your friends or family
    Planning a game night with your friends or family will yield a positive mental response. The mental stimulation from the games along with the social factor are what make game nights a highly advantageous self-care activity.

  2. Scheduling a call with friends or family
    It is not uncommon to fall out of touch with friends or family due to differing schedules. Scheduling a phone call or video call to catch up with the person of your choosing will allow for social connections to be nurtured despite both parties having busy lives.

Spiritual Self-Care

Spiritual self-care activities are those which allow us to connect with and nurture the soul. There are various ways that individuals can connect with themselves spiritually:

  1. Spending time in nature

Spending time in nature away from more urban areas can help allow individuals to escape to a restful state of mind. There is nature all around us! Nature can be anything from a local park to a local trail or even your own backyard. Individuals can choose a spot in nature which speaks to them the most. 

  1. Creating a vision board

To help create inspiration within one’s self, many individuals make vision boards. These vision boards help them see a physical manifestation of all their dreams and goals in life. Referencing this vision board during an individual’s day to day life may help them stay inspired.

Practical Self-Care

Practical self-care activities are those that we do to fulfill our core needs and reduce stress. While they may seem mundane, these activities can still be a form of self-care. Examples of practical self-care activities include:

  1. Tidying your work space

Having a tidy workspace can help individuals feel more organized, thus reducing stress from feelings of disorganization. 

  1. Organizing your desktop/laptop

Many students and adults look at their laptops/desktops everyday. Having a cluttered laptop/desktop makes it more difficult to navigate their devices, potentially increasing unneeded stress. By organizing their laptop/desktop, individuals will be less prone to stress. 

While we have explored a variety of self-care activities, this list is non-exhaustive and there are many other types of self-care that can help different individuals. Nonetheless, each person should ensure that self-care is integrated into their schedule to some capacity. The best way to find what works for you personally is to try out several self-care activities and see which ones cause the highest degree of positive impact in your life. 


Glowiak, Matthew. “What Is Self-Care and Why Is It Important for You?” Southern New Hampshire University, 

Cherry, Kendra. “How Meditation Impacts Your Mind and Body.” Verywell Mind, Verywell Mind, 28 July 2020,


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