For the Love of Small Businesses

Article by Emeka Balakumar

As business students, we are familiar with small businesses and the dedication and passion needed to start one. With COVID-19 and the ups and downs of cases, small businesses were the ones who were most affected. Over 200K small businesses were forced to close due to the pandemic[1]. Those businesses that were people’s livelihoods, passion, and dreams were forced to close. It is unfortunate to think about if we place ourselves in the shoes of these entrepreneurs.

In times like these, supporting small businesses is a little action that can change someone’s future. Especially near Valentine’s day, many people rush to a large store like Wal-Mart or Costco to find a gift. Instead, here are some ways to show your support to your local businesses during this holiday season:

1. Shop Local

As simple as it seems, we naturally think of more prominent names when buying items. Many of us have become reliant on Amazon and its fast delivery as our go-to shop when purchasing anything. Before hitting the place order button, go through Instagram to find some small businesses that might have something even more perfect for you. Even a gift card to a local business is an excellent gift to friends or family if you don’t know what specific item to buy. 

2. Social Media

Liking, commenting and sharing are simple ways to help your local business. Not only does it help with the algorithm, but it gives them the motivation to keep going even when it is hard. Sharing to your social media also allows others who may need a product or service similar to get an idea of what the small business offers. 

3. Offer your services

Many businesses were forced to move online with little to no resources. If you know a business and have a couple of hours to spare, message them to ask if you can offer your services. Services such as web design, social media marketing, and other digital skills can help a business move from a brick and mortar store to an online one. Not only are you supporting a small business, but you are also developing your skills.  Many local shops have personalized items that could be used for gift bags and would love the help of extra promotion. 

4. Leave a review 

Online reviews are essentially proof to new customers about the products they wish to buy. It doesn’t take long to leave brief remarks about the product you purchased or the service you experienced. Reviews don’t even need to be written - it can be as simple as posting the impact on your story for others to see where you have gotten it from. 

Even the smallest actions can bring a smile to a small business owner’s face. As all of us continue to protect one another by being indoors and wearing masks, let’s also think about our local businesses and how we can prevent the number of small business closures from rising. 




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