
Article and photo by Gabriela Gueorguiev

It has always fascinated me that there are so many perspectives in life.

Some people believe in destiny, a God, the universe. Some believe in complex philosophies: existentialism, nihilism.

Some believe that everything happens for a reason, and others believe that nothing really matters.

I love reading about these topics, like perspectives and identity. I’ve read books like The Stranger by Albert Camus, who shares, something along the lines of, that nothing happens for a reason. And this sounds liberating, doesn’t it?

But I’m also a believer in the spiritual, the beautiful, the meaningful, like in Rumi’s poetry: 

  “When you do things from your soul, you feel a river moving in you, a joy.” 

I also believe that you won’t fully know what your perspectives are, until you bump into circumstances. Or until they start changing.

So what do you do when your perspectives are changing?

My perspectives are changing. And I’m learning so much. Yet I’m also learning the same thing I’ve always believed: that there are simply so many different perspectives. And these perspectives are like all the leaves of a tree: always changing, always growing, always existing. 

So when your perspectives are changing, all you can do is hold on, and give them time.

And know that there are many great thinkers and believers who have something great to share with us. And we can agree with many of them. I genuinely believe it’s possible… no matter how counterintuitive that may seem. I think it’s a balance.

And the best way to know, is to live.

Rilke says, “Let life happen to you. Believe me: life is in the right, always.”

I think we could all benefit from living, and choosing a little bit of freedom in our lives. 

As funny as this sounds, freedom is what set me free. It’s what saved me. Choosing a healthy kind of freedom: freedom in my perspectives, freedom in my choices, and giving myself grace.

Can you give yourself that freedom too? That grace? That perspective?


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